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Book Club Info

FAQ, Reader Discussion Questions, and More

Preview Reads

Want a taste of the first in each series? Try before you decide?

Larissa has 4-chapter previews of PORTRAIT OF A DEAD GUY, 15 MINUTES, and THE CUPID CAPER available for download through Bookfunnel.

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Can you visit my book club?

Please contact me with the details at If you're located within an hour's drive of my home (south of Atlanta), the easy answer is "Sure!" If you're not, I can see if you fit into my travel dates. Otherwise, I often meet with book clubs through Skype.


My book club is reading your book. Do you have anything you can send us?

Yes! Again please contact me at Depending on the book or series, I have different kinds of book swag and I'd love to send your club signed bookplates.


Do you ever speak to schools or libraries or writing groups?

Yes! I love speaking at both, particularly schools even though I write adult books. I was once a high school teacher and I love talking to any age group about writing &/or reading. I've done talks in elementary schools, middle schools, and high school levels. Nanowrimo writer groups, community writing groups, professional writing organizations, etc. Just send me an email!



Hello, book club! Never take these questions too seriously. I only write them seriously because I was once a teacher and can’t help it. 

If you’d like some Maizie Albright swag for your book club, please contact me at I may also be available for Skype, Whatsapp, Line, or FaceTime sessions, if you’d like me to visit your book club.

And have a glass a wine before answering these. For the benefit of the club. ;)

15 MINUTES, Maizie Albright Star Detective book 1

1. Which celebrity's stories remind you of  Maizie Albright? Does her story give you a different perspective on theirs or vice versa?

2. Compare & contrast the parenting/lifestyles of Vicki and Boomer Spayberry. Who do they remind you of? What did you think of their characters? What are some of their less obvious effects on Maizie? What good came from either? Where do you see their relationships with Maizie and possibly with each other going in the future?

3. Wyatt Nash: the good, the bad, and the ugly. You decide.

4. Who are your favorite supporting characters and why?

5. How does the setting of Black Pine make for a good mystery?

6. What's Maizie's biggest issue? 

7. Do you think the title 15 Minutes is a good title for this story?

8. What do you think of the relationships between the entertainment industry, the media surrounding it, the stars, and the fans? 

9. Reality shows: cheap entertainment or destructive voyeurism? Are the people who sign up for reality shows getting what they deserve if the fame causes their downfall?

10. Where do you see the series going in the future?


A CHERRY TUCKER MYSTERY SERIES: Reader Discussion Questions

Hello, book club! Never take these questions too seriously. I only write them seriously because I was once a teacher and can’t help it. 

If you’d like some Cherry Tucker swag for your book club, please contact me at I may also be available for Skype, Whatsapp, Line, or FaceTime sessions, if you’d like me to visit your book club.

And have a glass a wine before answering these. For the benefit of the club.

PORTRAIT OF A DEAD GUY, A Cherry Tucker Mystery book 1

1. Luke accuses Cherry of vigilantism. Do you agree with him? How do you feel about gun-toting heroines? 
2. Throughout the story, there is a theme of parental failure. Can you give examples of this theme using different characters? How does it affect their behavior and attitudes? 
3. What kind of backstory can you imagine about Cherry’s absentee mother? Toward what end do you see this storyline continuing? 
4. Casey says about Halo, “appearances mean more than fact.” How does this play into the murder? 
5. Is Shawna a kind of character you love to hate or did you have sympathy for her? 
6. If you could have a talent of any character in the book, it would be… 
7. Cherry suspects Todd of pulling a “dumb blonde” act on her. Do you think he’s smarter than he lets on? If yes, what would be his reasoning? 
8. As a Halo outsider, Max Avtaikin appears respected by some, looked down upon by others. He also appears both brutish and sophisticated at various times during the story. Do you see him as a criminal? Where does he fall in the roles of villains and heroes? 
9. Who was your favorite character and why? Which character can you relate to the most? 
10. Were you glad Cherry ended up with Luke or would you have liked to see her with someone else? Do you think they’ll be able to sustain their relationship? 
11. Which scenes made you laugh the most? Could any have happened in your family (hopefully aside from murder, kidnapping, and burglary)?

STILL LIFE IN BRUNSWICK STEW, A Cherry Tucker Mystery book 2

1. Does Cherry have good reasons to get involved in the investigation? What about Luke’s feelings about her interference?

2. Red called Cherry a “relationship self-sabotager” and said that her inability to commit “attracts men like sugar ants to peanut butter.” Do you agree with his assessment? Why or why not?

3. Cherry chooses different friends or family to help with various missions. How does she match the person to the event?
4.  In what ways has Cherry’s mother still played a role in the lives of the siblings? What do you think they need to do to find closure?
5.  What do you think of Uncle Will’s role in the siblings’ lives? What do you think he knows about Cherry’s mother?
6.  Do you think Cherry has a personal vendetta against Max Avtaikin? If not, what are her real feelings for him?
7.  What role do you see Pearl playing in the Tuckers’ future?

8.  Have you ever known a Shawna? Can you suggest some reasons on why she hates Cherry?

9.  Do you think Cherry is a vigilante? What kind of people does she seek to help and why?

10. What do you think will happen to Cherry’s relationship with Luke? With Todd?
11. What predictions can you make about Cherry’s next adventure?

HIJACK IN ABSTRACT, A Cherry Tucker Mystery book 3

1.  Cherry sketches a composite of the hijacking suspect because she’s the only artist the Sheriff knows. Have you ever been asked to do a project outside your experience but still within your skill set? 
2.  Whenever Cherry gets “distracted” by a man, she blames it on her mother. Do you agree or disagree with her reasoning? 
3.  Have you ever known someone who sought to cover their own embarrassments by making other people look worse? How does Shawna compare to your example? How did you handle it?
4.  The story of the SipNZip was loosely based on an actual Department of Labor Special Agent case. What real crime stories have you heard that might make for good fiction?
5.  Several different characters complain that Cherry talks too much and gets involved in things that are not her business. Do you think these flaws negatively or positively influence her character?
6.  Cherry says she and Luke “carried baggage that didn’t fit through one another’s doors.” Why can’t Cherry and Luke just move on in one direction or the other?
7.  Have you known anyone like Pearl who began a relationship with someone with a preexisting family? Are the grandchildren’s feelings fair toward her? How would you mediate their dispute?
8.  What do you think Shawna’s pictures represent? Why are they so important to Shawna, and will they mean to the Tucker kids?
10.  Which character do you most relate to or feel you’re the most similar to? And which character do you wish you could be more like?

DEATH IN PERSPECTIVE, A Cherry Tucker Mystery book 4

1. How do you feel about the increase in social media options? Do you think it’s caused an increase in bullying? Have you ever seen cases of social bullying with adults?
2. How do you feel about Cherry getting back together with Luke? Who would you choose for Cherry?
3. What do you think about Cherry’s relationship with Max? How do they complement each other?
4. Were you surprised at the revelations about Cherry’s mother? Where do you think that storyline will lead?
5. Have you ever dealt with extreme office or departmental politics as seen at Peerless Day Academy? Did they involve people spreading rumors? How did you handle it or what do you wish you had done differently?
6. Were you ever in a high school play? What were your favorite memories?
7. Who’s the zaniest character you’ve ever known? How about a drama queen or king? What’s the funniest thing they got upset about?
8. What was your favorite scene from Death in Perspective? Who’s your favorite character? Which character do you relate to the most?
9. How will Cody’s arrest affect the longer family story arc? What do you imagine will happen between Cherry and Shawna?

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