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🌸Happy Early Mother's Day🥰

Writer's picture: Larissa ReinhartLarissa Reinhart

Larissa Reinhart

Mother's Day is my favorite holiday after Christmas. Becoming a mother was the most difficult and most rewarding thing that has ever happened -- and probably will ever happen -- to me. I appreciate every Mother's Day after so many years of wishing I could also get that pink carnation they hand out in church.

💐To all of you who are mothers, wanted to be a mother, are waiting to be a mother, or who have mothered without the official title -- here's wishing you the best and all my blessings!

And for those who are separated from your families this year -- an extra big cyber hug!🥰

This is why I grabbed Mother's Day when we were picking holidays for the YEAR-ROUND TROUBLE anthology. After Carolyn Haines asked the 14 authors to write a holiday-themed Trouble (her black cat detective) story, I thought Mother's Day would also be appropriate for Cherry Tucker because her absentee mother would likely make an interesting story arc. And then my mind turned to chickens (why not?) and I wrote A MOTHERLODE OF TROUBLE.

I also thought a signed paperback of YEAR-ROUND TROUBLE would make an appropriate May giveaway, too. Look below to enter that giveaway -- VIP Readers only (If you're not a VIP Reader, just sign up here). I've got April's winners listed below, too!

How have you been keeping busy? Not much has changed here despite the rumors that Georgia's become a free-for-all. At the grocery store, we try to smile at each other, then realize we're wearing masks and laugh. Kids are still virtually learning, although the school year is about to wrap-up. In my neck of the woods, the women are still wearing messy buns with our roots showing. (If you want to see my $3 DIY red locks, go to the pinned post on my Facebook page where I do the 18 CALIBER reading. 😝)

Biscuit's beach

We have a spot near our pool where shade prevents us growing grass, so we laid sand down there, too. Now we have a mini-beach for Biscuit. He loves the beach but hates the ocean, so he's enjoying it. My husband's had so many projects these past few months I think we may be single-handedly keeping Home Depot afloat. I've been moving plants around the yard -- mostly calla lilies because those things grow like weeds and crowd my other plants.

How are you? I hope your weather has been warmer and you're in a place where you can enjoy some sunshine on your face. We need Vitamin D hugs!

Have a great weekend & be well!

Hit reply if you want to say hi or need a prayer!



What I'm Writing: A thus-far untitled romantic comedy set in small town, Geogia, that I hope will be part of a long-running series. While researching to create a long con/sting operation for the mystery in THE PONY PREDICAMENT, Finley Goodhart Crime Caper #2.

I've also been listening to 15 MINUTES, making sure the new audio synchs to the written words. It's taking me some time to go through it and I'm really enjoying Joan Dukore's adaptation. She's so funny! I think you're going to love her audio reads of the series! Look for more on that soon!

What I've Been Reading: Bingeing Loretta Chase's regency romances. There's something about regency romance that's like comfort food for me. The longer I've been writing, the harder it can be for me to read books inside my writing genre because I'm always pulling away from the story to think about what the "author" is doing. But I don't do that with regency books and some other genres, and I really just want an escape right now, don't you?

What I've Been Watching: With my daughters, a Chinese college-age love drama called Meteor Garden (so far no meteors), the Japanese reality show Terrace House, and we're re-watching The Great British Baking Show (we like the early seasons when Mary Berry's still on). We also love The Casketeers on Netflix, a reality show that follows a New Zealand funeral home. I just love it. The couple who runs it are so kind and thoughtful, and the interactions between the staff are funny. And I love the peek into the traditions practiced by the Maori, Tonga, and other local people. We're on the second season and don't want it to end!

With my husband, the new season of Killing Eve.

I don't watch TV by myself but crawl into bed with a book!

Monthly New Releases & Book Deals

​​Looking for more to read?

Here are my May New Releases & Book Deals from my writing friends.

And don't forget:

If you're on Kindle Unlimited, most of the Cherry Tucker series can be read for free there, hopefully providing entertainment for those of you at home.

Just tap here (US, Germany & UK Amazon)

Or tap here (everywhere else)

If you're not a KU subscriber, you can still get the ebooks through Amazon, although only the paperbacks and audio are available outside Amazon, sorry!

And 15 MINUTES, Maizie Albright Star Detective, continues as free during the shutdown. Hopefully she's also providing an escape and some laughs.

Just tap here (Available everywhere)

If you missed it, her sixth book, 18 CALIBER released last month. The Maizie Albright series is available everywhere.


Congratulations to our April winners!

Robyn K won the Unlucky 18 movie poster from the 18 CALIBER movie-within-the-book.

Lysette L won a signed copy of 18 CALIBER!


Enter to win May's drawing:

a signed paperback of YEAR-ROUND TROUBLE.

Ends May 14th.

VIP Readers only!

YEAR-ROUND TROUBLE released this January and we've been thrilled with the reviews.

“Year-Round Trouble” is so much fun!"

"As the other main characters in each story are from cozy mystery series we know and love they were well developed, quirky and fun. I found some stories had plenty of twists and turns which kept me guessing and second-guessing myself on whodunnit right to the very end. Each story moved at a steady pace, and they meshed together beautifully. I was worried it might feel disjointed but was pleasantly surprised at how well it flowed."

"Fourteen highly entertaining stories ranging from twisty mysteries to sweet romances to satisfy a wide variety of readers."



14 talented mystery authors team up with Trouble, the black cat detective, to take a whirlwind tour of mystery locales—and holidays—across the country and the calendar. In this unique collection of original stories, the black cat shows his charm and sass as he works with cozy sleuths you know and love!

Join the wise-cracking cat and a host of “biped” sleuths for a romp across the mystery map—where he works with only the finest amateur sleuths to bring justice.

Authors are Ritter Ames, Rebecca Barrett, Susan Boles, Pamela Sue DuMond, Caroline Fardig, Carolyn Haines, Miranda James, Ava Mallory, Claire Matturro, Joanne Pence, Larissa Reinhart, Connie Shelton, Susan Y. Tanner, Jaden Terrell.


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